Nagy örömünkre szolgál közhírré tenni, hogy
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke
a korai nyelvtanítás nem csak Waldorf-körökben ismert és világszerte elismert képviselője ismét a Solymári Waldorf Pedagógiai Intézet vendége lesz
2024. szeptember 13-15.
(péntek 14.00 – vasárnap 12.30-ig)
Az intenzív képzés a frissen induló idegennyelv-tanári specializáció nyitó alkalma lesz, s egyszersmind lehetőséget kínál a téma iránt érdeklődő kollégák részvételére.
A képzés angol nyelven folyik
a részvételi díj: 30 000 forint
(A résztvevők száma korlátozott, a részvételi lehetőséget a jelentkezés sorrendjében bíráljuk el.)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke
Teaching English in the Lower and Middle School
This compact seminar is intended for beginning as well as for experienced teachers. There will be time for questions in each session. The seven sessions will cover two main phases:
In seminars 1, 2 and 3 the focus will be on the first three classes: Learning by Doing in the Lower School. There will be an introduction to basic ideas about Early Foreign Language Teaching, how to choose the appropriate teaching materials – poetry and prose -, story-telling, lesson structure, the role of the parents, assessment of students’ progress. We’ll also practise new material from my recently published manual and look at ways of ’empowering’ children to speak and act individually, thereby raising their self-confidence from the first few lessons in grade 1.
Seminars 4, 5, 6 and 7: From Doing to Understanding: The Transition from the Lower to the Middle School (Classes 4, 5). We’ll look at ways of introducing writing, study different approaches to reading, vocabulary work, assignments (homework) and what we can do with the first middle school readers, as well as the role of grammar.
The participants will get a comprehensive hand-out covering essential aspects of both parts of the seminar.
Friday / Péntek |
14.00 |
Opening |
14.15 |
Lecture for all 1 – Christoph Jaffke (with Hungarian translation) |
15.30 |
Break |
16.00 |
Arts |
17.15 |
Break |
17.30 |
Lecture for all 2 – Christoph Jaffke (with Hungarian translation) |
18.45 |
Break |
19.15-20.00 |
Chorus |
Saturday / Szombat |
08.15 |
Ch. Jaffke 1 |
09.45 |
Break |
10.00 |
Arts |
11.00 |
Break |
11.30 |
Ch. Jaffke 2 |
12.45 |
Lunch break |
14.00 |
Ch. Jaffke 3 |
15.15 |
Break |
15.30 |
Ch. Jaffke 4 |
17.00 |
Break |
17.30-19.00 |
Ch. Jaffke 5 |
Sunday / Vasárnap |
08.15 |
Bothmer gym. |
09.15 |
Break |
09.45 |
Ch. Jaffke 6 |
11.15 |
Break |
11.30-12.30 |
Ch. Jaffke 7 |